Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Old Has Gone, The New Is Rapidly Approaching

Well, I figured this would be as good a post as any to start off my blog as I am feeling very nostalgic after the events of this weekend.

1. My fiance and I graduated college yesterday. It is extremely hard to believe that I am a college graduate. It feels like it was only yesterday that I left the realm of high school behind me for the local Okaloosa-Walton College. And even less than that when I left the safety and known world of my parents house for the unknown and partially terrifying world of Florida State University. I am a small town girl so the thought of moving to Tallahassee, a "big city" (yes I know I'm lame for thinking that) where I knew only a couple of people in the ENTIRE city was absolutely terrifying! But I moved and God has done amazing things during my two years here. One of those things is putting me in the Navigator community. Another is allowing me to meet, get to know, and fall in love with my amazing fiance, Austin. After 18 years of nonstop school, I finally reached the end of this road, the road to my Bachelor's of Science in Elementary Education. I graduated yesterday Summa Cum Laude. Austin also graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Economics. His grad school road is starting almost immediately, in August as he pursues his Applied Master's in Economics. (I am so proud of him!)

2. I am moving home tomorrow for the last month and a half before the wedding. Tonight is the last night that I will live in Tallahassee as a single woman. I can't believe it. Again, I feel like I just got here as a nervous junior in college who had never dated anyone. In the two years I was here, God brought a man into my life and we are getting married! God has blessed my life so greatly that I can't even begin to thank Him for everything that he has done (and unfortunately I sometimes forget to even try). I am excited to move home, but also am very sad to be leaving Tallahassee even for a season. I have come to love it here: the community, the city, the parks, FSU... all of it (well, not the crazy drivers- haha).

3. Austin and my families were in town. It was a great time of celebration and bonding as the families had spent little or no time together. Sadly, the last of the family will be gone as of tomorrow morning. It was wonderful to have them here and I can't wait to see them in a few short weeks for our wedding!

Life is about to change drastically. It is all for the better and I am so excited about what lies ahead, but I have my fears as well. Fears about finding a job as a teacher. Fears about being a good teacher. Fears about my skills of running a house. Fears about being a good wife. All things that I know will take time to learn. All things that only God can bring about. I repeat to myself

Philippians 4:6-7:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus"
I love that verse and it rings true every time I think about it. I am not a person that likes change, and I have a lot of it coming all at once. As I said, the changes are all great things and I am excited about each of them, but it is still change. I know that through it all, I will learn and grow and become closer to God and my family. I cannot wait to see what this next season of life holds!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am glad you started your blog (and with such a good post)! I LOVE how you thought Tallahassee was a big city; that is hysterical. You will be a terrific teacher and a wonderful wife (yes; I, too, am going to be a teacher meaning I use alliteration whenever possible!). That is a great verse to keep in your heart at all times, especially when the wedding day comes. You won't be anxious about marrying because of your intense love, but you WILL be anxious about all of the little pieces that have been stitched together for your very special day. You will wonder if the stitches were tight enough; will they hold? They will! God is in control always, and it so wonderful that both you and Austin know that deep in your hearts. God bless!
